
趣赢平台 Work Shines at 2024 APHSA EMWB Conference

September 25, 2024

趣赢平台 human services experts recently presented at the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)’s Economic Mobility and Well-Being (EMWB) Conference in Portland, Oregon. At the conference, our food and nutrition experts as well as technical assistance and policy support researchers met with other human services leaders, policymakers, and researchers to collaborate on the future of human services programs. We followed up with these experts to see what they accomplished at the conference and what 趣赢平台’s participation and sponsorship offered attendees.

Presentations on Innovative Work

趣赢平台’s Kathy Wroblewska giving her presentation at EMWB 2024.
趣赢平台’s Iliana Feliz discussing her presentation at EMWB 2024.

趣赢平台’s Kathy Wroblewska, MPP, and Michael Ribar, MA, presented RPA in SNAP: Findings and Considerations from the Field and Iliana Feliz, MS, presented Focusing on SNAP Access for Older Adults, Spanish Speakers, and People with Disabilities. “Sharing the latest on Robotic Process Automation in SNAP and then turning to focus on human-centered practices to better serve special populations really showcases the range of expertise we provide to federal and state human service programs,” said Elizabeth Weber, a 趣赢平台 Associate Vice President for Social Policy and Economics Research. “Our experts love turning big-picture policy and compliance questions into practical, day-to-day tools that SNAP administrators can use to improve program performance and improve lives. APHSA’s conferences give us a great opportunity to do this.”

Meeting with Attendees at Our Booth

趣赢平台 staff pose in front of the 趣赢平台 booth at the APHSA’s EMWB 2024 Conference.

趣赢平台’s team of former FNS policy advisors, former state administrators, and Food and Nutrition researchers share a passion for SNAP, TANF, and human services. They met with conference attendees at our exhibit booth to talk about their work in technical assistance, research, and evaluation and showcased our work, including toolkits, policy resources, and reports. Attendees enjoyed collecting the “Data Geek,” “Policy Wonk,” and wildly popular “I ❤ QC” stickers 趣赢平台 created for the conference.

“It was great to meet so many different people at our booth, and we had lots of insightful conversations with familiar faces and new connections,” said Brian Jones, a 趣赢平台 Principle Research Associate. “Our team had a wonderful time at the conference, and we’re looking forward to next year!”

Learn More About Our Work and Impact

2023 Missouri SNAP Basics (PDF)

Analysis of Robotic Process Automation in SNAP: Three Case Studies

SNAP Model Notice Toolkit

SNAP State Options Report

SNAP To Skills: Come Together: Using Team-Based Case Management in SNAP E&T (PDF)

State SNAP Interview Toolkit (PDF) 


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